'In this video, i have shown how we can measure the regular shaped object and irregular shaped object. A simple explanation on water displacement method is also shown. Hope my video will benefit you guys and hope all of you will like it... #science #stem #stemforall #stemforkids #kidsvideo #childrenvideo #scienceisfun #sciencevideo #volume #waterdisplacementmethod #scienceforall #sainssekolahrendah #sains #sainsdlp #dlp #sainstahun3 #tahun3 #standard3 #formula'
Tags: science , volume , kids video , Ryan's World , learning video for kids , children videos , STEM for kids , STEM , science video , science dlp , measurement for kids , stem for all , learning interactive port , sains sekolah rendah , sains dlp , fun science video , video sains , box measurement , volume of stone , volume of floating object , science for all , volume for kids , sukatan , easy learning video , senang belajar sains , sains untuk kanak-kanak , sains tahun 3 , sains tahun 2 , standard 2
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